Paul Buchanan MVB, MRCVS
Paul is married to Valerie and they have three grown up children. They have five grandchildren: Charlie, Jessica, James, Scott and Luke. Paul is a committed Christian and is involved in some Christian voluntary work. He enjoys playing tennis and golf in his spare time – to a very average standard – he is also extremely modest! Professionally he enjoys all areas of the job, especially consulting and surgery.

Simon Snader BVMS CertAVP (SAM) B.Sc B.Com MRCVS
Simon graduated as a Veterinary Surgeon in Australia, although he has spent the majority of his career in England. He came to England in 2000 for a working holiday and is still here and is now British. He is married with twin children and dogs and cats.
Simon has worked in many regions of Australia and Britain, although since 2004 he has worked solely in small animal practice in Manchester. Simon became one of the Practice Partners in 2015, and in 2017 completed his Advanced Practicing Certificate in Small Animal Medicine.